Reports from the Field
Video conversion and transcoding nightmares

Case studies include:

  • from NTSC and SÉCAM to PAL
  • from interlaced to progressive
  • from 4:2:2, 4:2:0 and 4:1:1 SD to 4:2:0 HD
  • from 8-bit SD to 10-bit HD and 2K DCP

What and how

After a brief technical reminder, Michal Cohen and Reto Kromer will present and discuss many excerpts. An informal Q&A session and light refreshments will round-up the meeting. This time it’s less about good practices and more about the least bad solution. The participants should be familiar with the basics of video file formats.

When and where

In-person at the EPFL Innovation Park with webcast on Friday the 5th of April 2024, starting at 11 o’clock sharp here in Switzerland (that’s 09:00 UTC). We will use a Jitsi-based platform and the link will be provided in proper time.

As usual, the admission to our Reports from the Field is free, but a registration is required, as the seats are limited to a dozen or so, in order to enable in-depth technical discussions and the exchange of information.


  • We are very unhappy that our generosity is often betrayed, as many of our materials are distributed without naming their origin. Increasingly, others are even shamelessly claiming authorship of our work, which is just disgusting behaviour. And that’s the very reason why some resources are no longer freely available, but have been moved to password-protected parts of our website.
