Current Training Courses

We have a particular commitment to the dissemination of audio-visual conservation and restoration techniques among friends, colleagues, scholars, students and any interested person.

We also invest a large amount of time and money in open-source projects, which we believe are beneficial for the archival community.

That said, we are very unhappy that our generosity is often betrayed, as many of our materials are distributed without naming their origin. Increasingly, others are even shamelessly claiming authorship of our work, which is just disgusting behaviour. And that’s the very reason why some resources are no longer freely available, but have been moved to a password-protected area.


Intermediate Level

  • FFmpeg-Aufbaukurs, one-day Memoriav workshop in Bern, lead by Kamilla Ødegård and Reto Kromer, on 13 March 2025 [de]
  • Cours avancé de FFmpeg, one-day Memoriav workshop in Bern, lead by Eléonore Bernard and Reto Kromer, on 14 March 2025 [fr]

Advanced Level

  • FFmpeg-Workshop at Hochschule der Künste Bern on 3 April 2025 [de]
