Used Commands

You can copy and paste them into your Terminal. (A triple-click will select the full command on some operating systems.)

Find help

Find a template for the generation of TIFF exercise files that simulate a 2K scan.


ffmpeg -h encoder=tiff

Supported pixel formats: rgb24 rgb48le pal8 rgba rgba64le gray ya8 gray16le ya16le monob monow yuv420p yuv422p yuv440p yuv444p yuv410p yuv411p


ffplay -f lavfi -i testsrc

Video: rawvideo (RGB[24] / 0x18424752), rgb24, 320x240


ffplay -f lavfi -i testsrc2

Video: rawvideo (I420 / 0x30323449), yuv420p, 320x240


ffplay -f lavfi -i mandelbrot

Video: rawvideo (RGB[0] / 0x424752), rgb0, 640x480

rgb0 = packed RGB 8:8:8, 32 bpp

Generate image files

mkdir FIAF


ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "mandelbrot=size=2048x1536" -pix_fmt rgb48le -compression_algo 1 -t 10 FIAF/mandelbrot_%06d.tif

Play the generated image files

ffplay FIAF/mandelbrot_%06d.tif

Video: tiff, rgb48le, 2048x1536 [SAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25 tbn


ffplay -framerate 1 FIAF/mandelbrot_%06d.tif

Generate a sound file

The sound should simulate waves on the seashore. We use just noise but give it a little structure.


ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "anoisesrc=color=brown" -filter:a "tremolo=f=0.1:d=0.9" -c:a pcm_s24le -ar 96k -ac 2 -t 10 seashore.wav

Play the generated sound file

ffplay seashore.wav

Make an access file

We apply both a video and an audio filter. The video filter consists actually of two filters:

  • scaling and
  • hue manipulation.

The sound filter is an EBU R 128 normalisation.


ffmpeg -f image2 -i FIAF/mandelbrot_%06d.tif -i seashore.wav -filter:v "scale=640:480:flags=lanczos, hue=H=.5*t" -filter:a "loudnorm=I=-16:LRA=11:TP=-1.5" -c:a aac -ar 44100 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryslow -crf 18 -movflags +faststart madelsea_H264.mp4

Play the generated access file

ffplay madelsea_H264.mp4

Extract metadata from the generated access file

ffprobe -show_format -show_streams -print_format json madelsea_H264.mp4


mediainfo madelsea_H264.mp4


mediainfo --Details=1 madelsea_H264.mp4

Generate a longer exercise sound file

ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "anoisesrc=color=brown" -filter:a "tremolo=f=0.1:d=0.9" -c:a pcm_s24le -ar 96k -ac 2 -t 60 seashore_good.wav

Damage the sound file by adding some random noise

ffmpeg -i seashore_good.wav -c copy -bsf:a noise=amount=-1 seashore_bad.wav

Play the damaged sound file

ffplay seashore_bad.wav

Visualise the volume

ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_good.wav, asplit[a][out1]; [a]showvolume=c=VOLUME:w=1000:h=100:ds=lin[out0]"


ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_bad.wav, asplit[a][out1]; [a]showvolume=c=VOLUME:w=1000:h=100:ds=lin[out0]"

Visualise the wave

ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_good.wav, asplit[a][out1]; [a]showwaves=mode=cline[out0]"


ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_bad.wav, asplit[a][out1]; [a]showwaves=mode=cline[out0]"

Visualise the spectrum

ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_good.wav, asplit[a][out1]; [a]showspectrum=mode=separate:color=intensity:slide=1:scale=cbrt[out0]"


ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_bad.wav, asplit[a][out1]; [a]showspectrum=mode=separate:color=intensity:slide=1:scale=cbrt[out0]"

Visualise the musical notes

ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_good.wav, asplit[out1][a], [a]showcqt[out0]"


ffplay -f lavfi "amovie=seashore_bad.wav, asplit[out1][a], [a]showcqt[out0]"

Check the list of the installed fonts

cd /Library/Fonts



Add a watermark

ffmpeg -i madelsea_H264.mp4 -filter:v "drawtext=text='For FIAF':fontfile=/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf:fontsize=35:fontcolor=white:alpha=0.25:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2" madelsea_watermark_H264.mp4

Play the file

ffplay madelsea_watermark_H264.mp4

Add a timecode

ffmpeg -i madelsea_H264.mp4 -filter:v "drawtext=fontfile=/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf:timecode='00\:00\:00\:00':rate=25:fontsize=35:text='TCR\:':fontcolor=white:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=h/1.2" madelsea_timecode_H264.mp4

Play the file

ffplay madelsea_timecode_H264.mp4

An alternate Homebrew formula

On Homebrew there are also alternate formulae with options to install FFmpeg. One is provided by our company and if your computer is online, you can see the available options by passing in the Terminal:


brew options avpres/formulae/ffmpeg


You can see the formula with:


brew cat avpres/formulae/ffmpeg
