Found «1974» in field «year» of 79 records
- Erica Minor •
Director: Bertrand van Effenterre
Production: Les Films du Canton, Nyon
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
- Juliet Berto (Claude)
- Brigitte Fossey (Anne)
Format: 16 / 35 mm blow-up, bw, comopt FR (mono), 90 min
Description: Fiction.
Bibliography: Hervé Dumont, Maria Tortajada (éd.): Histoire du cinéma suisse 1966–2000. Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne; Éditions Gilles Attinger, Hauterive 2007, n. 141
- Film im Spiegel •
Director: Balz Raz
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
- Kaspar Linder
- Werner von Mutzenbecher
- Script: Balz Raz
- Photography: Balz Raz
- Editing: Balz Raz
Format: Super 8 (1.33), bw, no sound, 6 min (24 fps)
Kaspar Linder taking photos of Werner von Mutzenbecher in his atelier.
Theasurus (French): Mutzenbecher, Werner von
- Fleurs de pierre •
Director: Marc Michel
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
Format: 35 mm, colour, comopt FR, 90 min
Description: Fiction.
Theasurus (French): VD
Bibliography: Hervé Dumont, Maria Tortajada (éd.): Histoire du cinéma suisse 1966–2000. Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne; Éditions Gilles Attinger, Hauterive 2007, n. 143
- Fluchtgefahr ••
Director: Markus Imhoof
Production: Nemo Film GmbH, Zürich
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
- Wolfram Berger (Bruno Kuhn)
- Matthias Habich (Winarski)
- Sigfrit Steiner
- Hans Gaugler
- Roger Jendly
- Luzius Versell
- Ernst Kühli
- Beat Tanner
- Script: Markus Imhoof
- Photography: Eduard Winiger, Hans Liechti
- Editing: Marianna Jäggi
- Music: Bruno Spoerri, Paul Anka
- Sound: Hans Künzi, Peter Brodbeck, Hans-Ulrich Jordi
Format: 16 / 35 mm blow-up, colour, comopt, 105 min
Description: Fiction.
Bibliography: Hervé Dumont, Maria Tortajada (éd.): Histoire du cinéma suisse 1966–2000. Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne; Éditions Gilles Attinger, Hauterive 2007, n. 144
Access: Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne
- Gebet für die Linke / Prière pour la gauche ••
- Reni Mertens
- Walter Marti
Production: Téléproduction, Zürich
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
Cast: Dom Helder Camara
- Photography: Hans-Peter Roth, Rob Gnant, Otmar Schmid, Erich Langjahr
- Editing: Ines Diacon
- Music: Manfred Eyssell, Rico Anselmi
- Sound: W. Leonhardt
- 16 mm (1.33), colour, commag DE (mono), 287 m = 26:09 (24 fps)
- 16 mm (1.33), colour, commag FR (mono), 287 m = 26:09 (24 fps)
- 16 mm (1.33), colour, comopt DE (mono), 287 m = 26:09 (24 fps)
Preservation master: Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne
Description: Documentary.
Theasurus (French): Câmara, Dom Hélder <1909–1999>
- Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne
- Langjahr Film GmbH, Zug
- Gebrauchsanweisung zum Bau einer Zahnradbahn / Mode d'emploi pour construire un train à crémaillère / How to Build Your Own Rack Railway ••
Director: Yvan Dalain [Yvan Lévy]
- Schweizer Filmwochenschau
- Schweizerische Verkehrszentrale
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
- 35 mm (1.37), colour, comopt DE (mono)
- 35 mm (1.37), colour, comopt FR (mono)
- 35 mm (1.37), colour, comopt IT (mono)
Description: Newsreel. Number 1614.
Thesaurus (French):
- BE
- Moyens de transport - Chemins de fer - Brienzer Rothorn-Bahn
Access: Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne
- Glissando •••
Director: Heinz Kremer
Production: Kern-Film AG, Basel
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
- Script.: Rudolf Welten
- Photography: Heinz Kremer
- Music: Bernard Schulé
- Sound: Ernst Neukomm, Thomas Buser
Format: 35 mm, colour, comopt international, 414 m = 15:05 (24 fps)
Preservation master: Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne
Description: Documentary.
Theasurus (French): Sport - Ski de Fond
Access: Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne
- Général Idi Amin Dada. Autoportrait •
Director: Barbet Schroeder
Year: 1974
Description: Documentary.
- Happy Holidays. Arosa •••
Production: Condor Films AG, Zürich
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
Format: 16 mm (1.33), colour, comopt international (mono), 163 m = 14:51 (24 fps)
Description: Sports and tourist activities in Arosa.
Thesaurus (French):
- GR - Arosa
- GR - Arosa - Carmenna
Access: Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne
- Il rovescio della medaglia / Die Kehrseite der Medaille ••
Director: Alvaro Bizzarri
Production: Collettivo Cinema Indipendente, Biel/Bienne
Country: Switzerland
Year: 1974
- Script: Alvaro Bizzarri
- Photography: Alvaro Bizzarri
- Editing: Alvaro Bizzarri
- Music: Antonio Ascione
- Sound: Alvaro Bizzarri
Format: 16 mm (1.33), bw, (mono), 57 min
Description: Documentary.
Theasurus (French): BE - Biel/Bienne
Bibliography: Hervé Dumont, Maria Tortajada (éd.): Histoire du cinéma suisse 1966–2000. Cinémathèque suisse, Lausanne; Éditions Gilles Attinger, Hauterive 2007, n. 155
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